
Well, I survived the first day in the new office, feeling a little groggy. I'm in that better get enough sleep or you'll get sick phase at the moment. Now I'm just relaxing, checking email, and listening to music by Reeve - good stuff.

Tonight I watched regular television for the first time in a while: Star Trek the Next Generation, which shows on Spike TV. Judging by the commercials, Spike TV is the network for stereotypically immature men. With the avalanche of Valentine's Day spots urging me to spend money interleaved with swimsuit model show ads, I decided it was more healthy to leave the room between segments, and managed to successfully wash the dishes, make a cup of tea, and do my laundry while enjoying Star Trek on TV. See, now in England, you couldn't do that - there just aren't enough breaks, and they're too short!

Okay, I'm off to see what God and my journal have to say to me tonight, and to continue the most fascinating journey through the fourth chapter of Hebrews by one more sentence.

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