
Who is Barack Obama?

The next president of the United States of America!

What to say? We watched the coverage at Ben and Jen's house, then drove down Peachtree and part of Auburn at about 1am to enjoy sporadic revelry.

I am excited and honored to have taken part in this historic election. I will proudly tell my children that I voted for Barack Obama.


Joel Odom said...

Respectfully, I submit it's going to be our children who end up paying dearly for the reckless spending of the Democrats (and many Republicans).

Zellyn said...

Joel, I agree that our debt is a problem. However, I don't see much difference between the parties in actual results to the debt - although they definitely talk about it differently.

I was also surprised recently to learn that while our debt is pretty high, it's not ridiculous compared to the size of our economy. Can you believe that?