
Your carefully defended certainty crumbles inwards

Liar, Lunatic, Lord, or Legend? A sad story? I think disbelieving your lame-duck idea of God is progress. Hopefully he won't stop there.

If God is real, we all need His idea of Him, not ours.


Donna-Marie said...

Yeah, that was a sad story. I remember a guest speaker at the baptist church I used to attend saying one morning, "The Bible is not God." I think he gave everyone a heart attack. But he went on to explain that the Bible is holy and breathed from God, but that the Bible is not what saves you - it's a relationship with the living, breathing God. You can study the Bible all you want, but you must rely on the inward movement of the Spirit to reveal the Truth to you. That has always stuck with me.
And you can see that it's true when you look at all these cults that use scripture to validate their hatred and bondage.
I read on cnn.com a few days ago about this small cult that is going out to harrass families at soldier funerals, believing that God is punishing the U.S. for its complacency towards homosexuality. The pastor of the cult said, "You cannot preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God." What a tool of Satan that man is.

Leah said...

I don't know...it's kind of a lame ass thing to debate. Like, if he actually KNEW God, and had a relationship with Him, then he wouldn't really care about stuff like that. I didn't even have a bible for the first year or so after I decided to become a Christian, I just walked around and talked and listened.

Bevin said...

Leah's point basically ends the debate.